Thursday, December 15, 2011



Day 2

This assignment wasn't very easy. I was expected to create an iPod from the 3 different perspectives  by using specific tools in Adobe Illustrator. My fnal product is an iPod touch. On the back of the iPod for a skin, I used the picture of the rapper Tyga I created by using the pen tool and adding the words "Rawr" in a speech bubble. On the front of the iPod I decided to make it look like I was watching a video by using a picture I took at a Chris Brown Concert. For the the third perspective I created the side of the iPod touch with the two different volume buttons. I used the elements of art by using shape,color, and value. I used shape by using the rounded rectangular tool to create the shape of the ipod. I used the ellipse tool to create the  home button on the bottom of the front of the ipod. I used color by using blue for the skin color of the ipod. I also used value for the volume and time limit on the iPod so that one half is blue while the other is white. I used the priniples of design by using contrast, balance, and repititon. I used contrast when I reflected the ipod by changing the opacity so that it could look like a reflection. I used balance to make sure my ipods weren't crooked and that everything was alligned. I used repition by cxopying the iPod's to make the reflection. My project represents my sketch because if you were to hold up my sketch to my project it would look the same.

Monday, December 12, 2011



Day 2

Day 3

This project was kind of easy but took quite a thought. I was expected to create a 3-Demensional  room for the lamp I created in the previous project by using specific tools in Adobe Illustrator.  My final product is a bedroom with a green wall and puple floor with a mini flower carpet. I also have a dirt clothes hamper with clothes hanging out of it, a bed, poster on the wall, and a dresser. I used the Elements of Art by using texture shape color and value. I used texture by givin the table and headboards a grain look so that it would look like wood. I used shape by creating circles and rectangles and squares in or order for me to create the room. I also used the 3D effect by using bevel and emboss.  I used color and value  by using the colors green and purple for the wall and floor, brown for the headboard , night stand, and dresser,  yellow and brown for the mini carpet, gray for the dirty clothes hamper, and numerous colors for the colors hanging out of it. I used value by creating a gradient for outside the window so that it would look like it was night time. I used the Principles of Design by using repetiton and balance. I used repetition by using various shapes over again. I used balance a lot in this project to make sure things weren't uneven in the room so it wouldn't look sloppy and that my work was neat.My final design doesn't represent my sketch because I moved a couple of thing around and changed a couple of thing slike the window and the mini flower carpet.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



This project wasn't difficult nor easy. I was expected to produce a lamp by using specific tools in Adobe Illustartor. My final product was a flower lamp. In order for you to use it you must press the button. My photo consists of a pink vase with two roses in it and light is reflecting out of it. I used the elements of art by using color,texture,shape,and value. I used texture by giving it the plastic look. I used color and value by creating a pink vase, green for the flower stem and and salmon kind of color for the rose. I used value by changing the opacity of the yellow so that it would look like the light was coming out of the lamp. I also used shape by using the 3D effect in Adobe Illustrator.  I used the Principles of Design by using repetion and balance. I used repition by using the same flower over again. I used balance by turning the flower a little bit to the side.  My final design doesnt represent my sketch because I only used two flowers instead of multiple ones